Affiliate signup form

Terms & Conditions


When a sale is generated by a user that was referred from your affiliate links, a commission rate of itemised below of the value of the order (minus postage and VAT) is applied.

Commision Rates

3.5% for total referred approved sales of <£3,500

4% for total referred approved sales of £5,000 to £10,000

5% for total referred approved sales of £10.000 to £15,00

6% for total referred approved sales of >£15,000

Please note that any commission generated will remain pending until the sale has been confirmed (i.e., the order was not cancelled or returned).

For any orders that comprise multiple items and where only part of the order is returned, that commission is only payable on the value of the items that were not returned.

Pay Outs

Cookie length: 30 days
Auto-approval length: 30 days
Payment Date 15th each month
Minimum accrued commission payment payout threshold: £50

PPC Policy

We welcome affiliates who wish to utilise PPC to help drive sales, but please note that you must never bid on any search term that includes part of the Croft Home & Garden brand name or any derivation or misspelling of this name. This includes but is not limited to the following terms: Croft, CroftHG, Croft Home and Garden, Croft Home, Croft Garden, etc.
Use of the Croft Home & Garden display URL is prohibited in any PPC campaigns.

Affiliates wishing to promote QD using the PPC channel must do so using their own websites or landing pages. Affiliates may not use a URL redirect to take the customer directly to the QD website from a PPC advert.
Affiliates found breaking these terms may have pending transactions cancelled or face suspension from the programme.

Accepted Publishers

We are happy to work with publishers with the following categories; Behavioural Targeting, Cashback, Community, Content, Discount Code,Email, Loyalty, Media Brokers and Search. Please note we will not accept publishers whose website or content contain adult content.

Notice Periods

Affiliates are notified seven days prior to and changes being made to the terms and conditions. In the event an affiliate is found to be in breach of our Terms and Conditions, the affiliate will be suspended from our affiliate marketing program and any outstanding commision will automatically have the pending commission balance to set to nil.